Sunday, December 5, 2010

Last race of 2010 is DONE.

A much longer post will come in a few days, but I wanted to write a bit well things are fresh in my mind.  Today I completed the JOLLY JAUNT in Danvers, MA.  It is a 5K race that benefits the Special Olympics of Massachusetts.  I managed to get a whole team of PINGREE RUNNERS and we were able to raise about $800 for the cause.

I know Thanksgiving is more than a week gone by, but I do want to write a bit about what I am thankful for.  My health for sure.  I was able to compete in 12 races (7 triathlons) this year including a 1/2 Marathon and 1/2 Iron Aquabike.  Plans are BIG for next year in the hopes of completing my first 1/2 Ironman at the Patriot Triathlon.

I think I am most thankful for my lovely wife and son.  Sue has done so much that has made it possible for me to race.  Her patience, love and support are SO NEEDED and appreciated.  I know I would not be able to do all of this if it wasn't for her.

A more detailed race report will possibly come later.  One note, I took more than 6 minutes off of my time from last year, finishing in 43:55.  It was a GREAT DAY!!!

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